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Consent Form
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* Indique une question obligatoire
Name *
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Date of Birth *
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Name of Doctor / Doctors Surgery *
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My son/daughter has the following medical conditions *
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I give permission for my son/daughter's name/photo to be used on SSFA website/social media *
Which requires the following medical requirements (including dietary) *
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Any other information that Sussex Schools staff may need to know? *
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Should the need arise, I agree to the person in charge of the party giving consent on my behalf for an anesthetic to be administered or for any other urgent medical treatment to be given *
Emergency Contact Details mobile and home phone *
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I have read the following terms and conditions.. I consent to my son/daughter  ……………………………………….. to be allowed to take part in representing Sussex Schools accompanied by coaching staff and, having understood the Sussex Schools programme agree to him/her taking part in any or all of the training & match days if selected.   To the best of my knowledge my son/daughter is fit and healthy for the purpose of the activity. As any injuries / illness arise throughout the year(s) I will ensure the coaching staff are fully informed so as records can be maintained accurately and that all parties are fully informed.  Any changes of medical and emergency contact information must be given to SSFA staff.  I have ensured that my son/daughter understands that it is important for his/her safety and for the safety of the group that any rules and any instructions given by the staff are obeyed. I understand that, whilst the County coaching staff and helpers in charge of the party will take all reasonable care of the students, unless they are negligent they cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury suffered by my son/daughter on the training/matches or on the journey. I accept for my son/daughters name and/or picture to be published on and or social media, as well as in programmes. *
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